1. Li, R. and A. Monti (Eds.). 2018. Land Allocation for Biomass Crops: Challenges and Opportunities with Changing Land Use, Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-74535-0.
Book Chapter and Other Publications
Crowe, J., R. Li. 2021. Achieving Energy Justice: When Historic Environmental Contamination Intertwines with Renewable Energy Development. Toxic News. Accessed at
Li, R., K. Chen, D. Wu. 2021. Challenges and Opportunities to Cope with Smart Divide in Rural America. In Smart Spaces and Places (L. Bian, ed), Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-367-70354-7
Li, R., W. Xiong. 2018. Stream Simulations -Interactive education applications (education online software). Available at
Li, R., K. Holtsclaw, M. Brown, B. Polk. 2017. Shawnee National Forest Equestrian and Hiking Trail Map (West Side). Published by the Friends of Shawnee National Forest (1,000 copies).
Li, R. 2016. Assessing Groundwater Pollution Risks in Response to Climate Change and Variability. Chapter 2, pp. 31-50. In Emerging Issues in Groundwater Resources (A. Fares, ed.), Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-32006-9.
Referred Articles (+ student advisee, * corresponding author)
Edidem, M.+, R. Li*, D. Wu+, B. Rekabdar, G. Wang. 2024. GeoAI-based Drainage Crossing Detection for Elevation-derived Hydrographic Mapping. Environmental Modelling and Software. (in press)
Nazeri, A., D.W. Godwin, A.M. Panteleaki, I. Anagnostopoulos, M. Edidem, R. Li, T. Shu. 2025. Exploration of TPU Architectures for the Optimized Transformer in Drainage Crossing Detection. Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
Wu, D.+, R. Li*, M. Edidem+, G. Wang. 2024, Enhancing Hydrologic LiDAR Digital Elevation Models: Bridging Hydrographic Gaps at Fine Scales. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 60(6), 1253-1269.
Li, H., L. Di, C. Zhang, L. Lin, L. Guo, R. Li, H. Zhao. In-season Mapping of Sugarcane Planting based on Sentinel-2 Imagery. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 18, 1410-1421.
Chindia, B.+, R. Li*, L.A. Duram, J. Schoof, H. Henson, W. Williams. Navigating Barriers to Success for Community College Science Students: A Review of Transfer Challenges. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice 24(10), 149.
Nikolic-Khatatbeh, J., J. Crowe, R. Li*. Navigating Telehealth Challenges: Rural Perspectives on Technology Access and Trust. Journal of Rural and Community Development (accepted).
Crowe, J., J. Nikolic-Khatatbeh, R. Li*. The Digital Health Divide: Understanding Telehealth Adoption Across Racial Lines in Rural Illinois. Social Science & Medicine – Population Health. 26, 101665.
Li, R. J. Kalinzi+, 2024. Preparing for 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Mining Social Media Data to Understand Spectator Experience. Findings, February. doi: 10.32866/001c.94197.
Chen, X., K. Chen, M. Wang, R. Li*, Roles of Wireless Networks in Bridging the Rural Smart Infrastructural Divide. Infrastructures. 8(11), 159.
Zhang, Y., D. Pandey, D. Wu+, T. Kundu, R. Li, T. Shu. 2023. Accuracy-Constrained Efficiency Optimization and GPU Profiling of CNN Inference for Detecting Drainage Crossing Locations. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23); Denver, CO; Pp. 9. doi: 10.1145/3624062.3624260.
Li, Y., J. Baik, M.M. Rahman, I. Anagnostopoulos, R. Li, T. Shu. 2023. Pareto Optimization of CNN Models via Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search for Drainage Crossing Classification on Resource-Limited Devices. SC23; Denver, CO; Pp. 9. doi: 10.1145/3624062.3624258.
Jalalipour, S., S. Ayyalasomayjula, H. Damrah, J. Lin, B. Rekabdar, R. Li. 2023. Deep Learning-Based Spatial Detection of Drainage Structures using Advanced Object Detection Methods. In Transdisciplinary AI 2023; Laguna Hills, CA; p 8.
Wu, D.+, R. Li*, B. Rekabdar, G. Wang. 2023. Classification of Drainage Crossings on High-resolution Digital Elevation Models: A Deep Learning Approach. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 60:1, doi: 10.1080/15481603.2023.2230706.
Wu, D.+, R. Li*, J. Liu, N. Khan. 2023. Monitoring Algae Blooms in Small Lakes Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Case Study in Southern Illinois. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. (
Khan, Z., et al. [international collaborators including R. Li]. 2022. Emerging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10.
Talafha, S., D. Wu, B. Rekabdar, R. Li and G. Wang. 2021. Classification and Feature Extraction for Hydraulic Structures Data Using Advanced CNN Architectures. IEEE TransAI 2021 (accepted)
Madany, P., C. Xia, L. Bhattacharjee, N. Khan, R. Li, J. Liu. 2021. Antibacterial activity of γFe2O3/TiO2 nanoparticles on toxic cyanobacteria from a lake in Southern Illinois. Water Environment Research (in press).
Bhadra, S.+, R. Li*, D. Wu, G. Wang, B. Rekabdar. 2021. Assessing the Roles of Anthropogenic Drainage Structures on Hydrologic Connectivity Using High-resolution Digital Elevation Models. Transactions in GIS.
Li, R.*, M.M. Rahaman+, L. Zhao, Z. Tang. 2021. Assessing Social Media Communication of Local Governments in Fast-growing U.S. Cities. The Professional Geographers.
Alam, S., M. Gebremichael, R. Li, J. Dozier, D. Lettenmaier. 2020. Can Managed Aquifer Recharge Mitigate the Groundwater Overdraft in California’s Central Valley? Water Resources Research 56(8), e2020WR027244.
Li, R.*, K. Chen, D. Wu+. 2020. Challenges and Opportunities to Cope with Smart Divide in Rural America. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110(2), 559-570.
Crowe, J., R. Li*. 2020. Is the Just Transition Socially Accepted? Energy History, Place, and Support for Coal and Solar in Illinois, Texas, and Vermont. Energy Research & Social Science 59, 101309. (IF: 5.5)
Li, R.*, D. Crowe, D. Leifer+, L. Zou, J. Schoof. 2019. Beyond Big Data: Social Media Challenges and Opportunities for Understanding Social Perception of Energy. Energy Research & Social Science 56, 101217.
Alam, S.+, M. Gebremichael, R. Li*. 2019. Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Crop, Energy and Water Nexus in the Central Valley, California. Remote Sensing 11(14), 1701
Wu, D.+, R. Li*, F. Zhang, J. Liu. 2019. A Review on Drones-based Harmful Algae Blooms Monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191:211. 10.1007/s10661-019-7365-8.
Alam, S. +, M. Gebremichael, R. Li, J. Dozier, D. Lettenmaier. 2019, Climate Change Impacts on Future Groundwater Storage in Central Valley, California. Climatic Change 157 (3-4), 387-406.
Wang, Q., H. Sun, R. Li, G. Wang. 2019. A Stochastic Geostatistical Algorithm for Image Classification: Feature-Space Indicator Simulation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 152, 145–165.
Yan, X. W. Dong, R. Li, L. Cui, G. Zhu. 2019. Assessment and Validation of Confined Aquifer Vulnerability based on VEBHAT Method: A Case Study in Heilongjiang Province of Northeastern China. Hydrogeology Journal 27(7), 2551–2561.
Yu, H., R. Li, G. Wang, Q Wang. 2019. Current Development of Landscape Geochemistry with Support of Geospatial Technologies: A Review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 49(9): 745-790.
Rahaman, M.M., B. Thakur, A. Kalra, R. Li, P. Maheshwari. 2019. Estimating High-Resolution Groundwater Storage from GRACE: A Random Forest Approach. Environments 6 (6), 63.
Yu, H., X. Liu, B. Kong, R. Li, G. Wang. 2019. Landscape Ecology Development Supported by Geospatial Technologies: A Review. Ecological Informatics 51, 185–192.
Zhang, Z., H. Hu, D. Yin, S. Kashem, R. Li, H. Cai, D. Perkins, S. Wang. 2019. A CyberGIS-enabled Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support System: A Case Study on Flood Emergency Management. International Journal of Digital Earth 12(11): 1364-1381.
Li, R., G. Ou, M. Pun, L. Larson. 2018. Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in Response to Agricultural Management Scenarios in the Central Valley, California. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 144(12), 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001014.
Li, R.* J. Chen+. 2018. Planning the Next-Generation Biofuel Crops Based on Soil-Water Constraints. Biomass and Bioenergy 115, 19–26.
Rijal, S., G. Wang, P.B. Woodford, H.R. Howard, J.M.S. Hutchinson, S. Hutchinson, J. Schoof, T. Oyana, R. Li, L.O. Park. 2018. Detection of Gullies in Fort Riley Military Installation Using LiDAR Derived High Resolution DEM. Journal of Terramechanics 77, 15–22.
Li, R.* and K. Holtsclaw+. 2017. Geocoding Locations of Historic Reclamation Research Sites Using Google Earth. Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation 6(2), 84–92.
Xiang, J.+, R. Li*, G. Wang, Q. Wang, G. Qie, L. Xu, M. Zhang, and M. Tang. 2017. Modeling Urban PM2.5 Concentration by Combining Regression Modeling and Spectral Unmixing Analysis in a Region of Eastern China. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 228, 250.
Wang, T., T.E. Franz, R. Li, J. You, M. Shulski, C. Ray. 2017. Analysis of Effects of Climate and Soil on Regional Soil Moisture Spatial Variability Using EOFs in a Semiarid Region. Water Resources Research 53 (4), 4022–4035.
Pun, M. D. Mutiibwa, R. Li. 2017. Land Use Classification: A Surface Energy Balance and Vegetation Index Application to Map and Monitor Irrigated Lands. Remote Sensing 9(12), 1256.
Kang, J., L. Zhao, R. Li, H. Mo, and Y. Li. 2017. Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment based on Modified DRASTIC Model: A Case Study in Changli County, China. GeoCarto International 32(7), 749–758.
Wang, T., Q. Liu, T.E. Franz, R. Li, T. Lang and C.A. Fiebrich, 2017. Spatial Patterns of Soil Moisture from Two Regional Monitoring Networks in the United States. Journal of Hydrology 552, 578–585.
Rijal, S., G. Wang, P. Woodford, H. Howard, J. Schoof, T. Oyana, L. Park, R. Li. 2017. Comparison of Military and Non-military Land Condition Using an Image Derived Soil Erosion Cover Factor. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72(5), 425–437.
Li, R.*, M. Pun, J. Bradley, G. Ou, J. Schneider, B. Flyr, and S. Chinta. 2016. Evaluating Hydrologically Connected Surface Water and Groundwater Using a Groundwater Model. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52(3), 799–805.
Ou, G., R. Li*, M. Pun, C. Osborn, J. Bradley, J. Schneider, and X. Chen. 2016. A MODFLOW Package to Linearize Stream Depletion Analysis. Journal of Hydrology 532, 9–15.
Li, R.*, M. Pun, and D. Mutiibwa. 2016. Classification of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Cropland Using Object-based Image Analysis: A Case Study in South-Central Nebraska. Proceeding of 2016 Fifth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2016.7577619.
Tang, Z., Y. Li, Y. Gu, W. Jiang, Y. Xue, T. LaGrange, A. Bishop, J. Drahota, R. Li. 2016. Assessing Nebraska Playa Wetland Inundation Status during 1985-2015 Using the Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188, 654.
Li, R.*, J. Merchant and X. Chen. 2014. A Geospatial Approach for Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate Contamination in Agricultural Settings. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225(12), 2214.
Miller, A. + and R. Li*. 2014. A Geospatial Approach for Prioritizing Wind Farm Development in Northeast Nebraska, USA. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3(3), 968–979.
Tang, Z., R. Li, X. Li, W. Jiang, and A. Hirsh. 2014. Capturing LiDAR-Derived Hydrologic Spatial Parameters to Evaluate Playa Wetlands. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50 (1): 234–245.
Feng, S., Q. Hu, W. Huang, C. Ho, R. Li, and Z. Tang. 2014. Projected Climate Regimes Shift under Future Global Warming from Multi-model, Multi-scenarios CMIP5 simulations. Global and Planetary Change 112, 41–52.
Li, R., Z. Tang and X. Li. 2013. Drainage Structure Dataset and its Effects on LiDAR-derived Surface Flow Modeling. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2(4), 1136-1152.
Li, R., N. di Virgilio, Q. Guan, S Feng, and G.M. Richter, 2013. Reviewing Models of Land Availability and Dynamics for Biofuel Crops in the United States and European Union. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 7(6), 666–684.
Li, R.* and J. Merchant. 2013. Modeling Vulnerability of Groundwater to Pollution under Future Scenarios of Climate Change and Biofuels-related Land Use Change: A Case Study in North Dakota, USA. Science of the Total Environment 447, 32–45.
Li, R., Q. Guan, and J. Merchant. 2012. A Geospatial Modeling Framework for Assessing Biofuels-related Land-use and Land-cover Change. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 161, 17–26.
Tang, Z., X. Li, N. Zhao, R. Li, and E. F. Harvey. 2012. Developing a Restorable Wetland Index for Rainwater Basin Wetlands in South-Central Nebraska: A Multi-criteria Spatial Analysis. Wetlands 32(5), 975–984.
Li, R., S. Liu, Q. Guan, and Y. Peng. 2011. Post-disaster Assessment of Northeastern Coastal Region for the 2011 Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami. Proceeding of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection (ISWREP) vol.3, pp.2429–2432.
Tang, Z., S.D. Brody, R. Li, C. Quinn, and N. Zhao, 2011, Examining Locally-Driven Climate Change Policy Efforts In Three Pacific States, Ocean & Coastal Management 54: 415–426.
Li, R., L. Zhao, H. Tonya, and Z. Tang. 2010. Monitoring Watershed Drought Conditions through the Landsat Imagery Interpretation. Disaster Advances 3(4): 40–46.
Ojekunle, O. Z., L. Zhao, R. Li, X. Tan, W. Lv, and H. Bangura, 2009. Ameliorating Water Crises through Sustainable Wastewater Reuse in Hengshui, China, Journal of American Water Works Association 10 (101): 71–81.
Li, R., L. Zhao, X. Tan, W. Lv, and O.Z. Ojekunle, 2007. Sustainable Wastewater Reuse to Face Water Crisis — A Case Study in Taocheng District of Hengshui, China. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, pp. 1–10.